Cortez Bryant
5.0 (4)
Assemble |BluePrint Music Group, Formerly: Wayne, Nicki, Drake, (For Charity 🎗)
Cortez Bryant
Assemble |BluePrint Music Group, Formerly: Wayne, Nicki, Drake, (For Charity 🎗)
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What I can advise on
Artist management & artist development
Negotiating contracts for artists
Brand partnerships and licensing agreements
Best practices dealing with labels
The changing landscape within the industry
About Me

Cortez Bryant is a highly accomplished music industry executive with over 20 years of experience in artist management and development. As the co-founder and CEO of Bryant Management, Cortez has worked with some of the biggest names in hip-hop and R&B, including Lil Wayne, Drake, Nicki Minaj, and Tyga. Cortez has a proven track record of success in building and managing successful artist careers. He has been instrumental in developing and implementing strategic plans for his clients, negotiating major deals, and overseeing all aspects of their careers, from album releases and tours to brand partnerships and licensing opportunities. In addition to his work in artist management, Cortez is also a respected speaker and thought leader in the music industry. He has spoken at industry conferences and events on topics such as artist development, brand partnerships, and the changing landscape of the music business. Cortez's extensive knowledge and experience make him a sought-after consultant and advisor for artists, labels, and brands looking to navigate the complex and ever-evolving music industry. Whether you're an aspiring artist looking to break into the industry or a seasoned executive looking for fresh insights, Cortez Bryant is a valuable resource and trusted partner.

Q&A Responses
0:00 / 0:00
Subject: Wayne
0:00 / 0:00
William Taylor
Subject: Producer C...
0:00 / 0:00
Giovanni Merrin
Subject: Response e...
0:00 / 0:00
Kevin Greene
Subject: Southern c...
What I can advise on
Artist management & artist development
Negotiating contracts for artists
Brand partnerships and licensing agreements
Best practices dealing with labels
The changing landscape within the industry
5.0 (4) See All
William Taylor
May 23, 2023
Grew up admiring Cortez and his work. Thanks a lot for taking the time to answer my question! This is so dope and helpful! Can't wait to book a session!
Giovanni Merrin
June 01, 2023
This is such a great way to connect with industry experts! Cortez was able to bring clarity to my inquiry and provide great next steps.
Virgil Hare
July 06, 2023
I can't say enough about this man. Cortez took the time out his day to answer my questions and I'm forever grateful for his wisdom. I hope some day he writes a guide on navigating the music business.
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Monday 07/29
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$ 200 | Session - 15 min
5.0 (4)